Edgar V. Wheeler
Edgar V. Wheeler had a broad impact on Emory & Henry athletics when he was a student in the 1950s, serving as manager of the football, basketball, and baseball teams. In recognition of his service, he received the Emory & Henry Honor Award in 1955 and was inducted into the Sports Hall of Fame in 1981.
Wheeler, a veteran of the U.S. Army, graduated from the International Fabric Institute in Silver Springs, Maryland in 1958. He went on to become vice president and treasurer of Fast Service Laundry and Cleaners in Roanoke, Virginia. His business activities have included terms as president of the Roanoke Valley Dry Cleaners Association and director of the Virginia Association of Launders and Cleaners.
With regard to civic engagements, Wheeler is a member of Elks, Masons, and Shriners. He has served as president of the Roanoke-Raleigh Court Lions Club and as director of the Roanoke Chamber of Commerce.