Donor Recognition

Earl (’69) and Lynda (’66) Hawkins have been longtime, generous supporters of and advocates for an enhanced Emory & Henry College Sports Hall of Fame display. Following Earl’s passing in December 2014, Lynda provided a lead gift toward purchasing the kiosk in King Center lobby and completing a digital archive of photos and information about members of the Hall of Fame. The donors listed below joined Lynda in supporting this project. Emory & Henry College is deeply appreciative of Lynda’s generosity as well as the support provided by all who contributed to this project.

Mrs. Lynda Jones Hawkins ’66


Mr. & Mrs. Bill G. Bennett ’57 & ’57

Mr. and Mrs. Bradford J. Fellows ’67 & ’68

Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert W. Holmes III ’58

Mr. F. Winton Lackey ’55 & Ms. Donna M. Fanelli

Judge and Mrs. Joseph S. Tate ’63 & ’64

Mr. Robert D. Tucker ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Harry H. Yost ’62 & ’64

Mr. Donald R. Youell ’56


Mr. & Mrs. G. Vincent Brown, Jr. ’66

Mr. Curtis L. Campbell ’64

Mr. Alvin E. Crowder ’64

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ely ’65 & ’68

Mr. Keith Lee Furr ’87

Mike ’70 and Terry Griffith

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Large ’71 & ’70

Mr. Robert E. Magill ’65

Dr. and Mrs. Charles W. Sydnor, Jr. ’65

Mr. Jack A. Thomas ’62

Dr. J. Thomas Wilson III ’74


Mr. Larry L. Bales ’69

Mr. Bobby L. Bralley ’59

Mr. and Mrs. Norman L. Ellis ’79 & ’80

Mr. Robert W. Hughes ’65

Mrs. Eleanor H. Hutton

Mr. & Mrs. Hal P. McHorris ’62 & ’62

Mr. Greg McMillan ’90 & Mr. Dirk Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Park Reavis ’90 & ’92

Mr. and Mrs. J. Phil Robbins ’67 & ’66

Judge William R. Shelton ’54

Ms. Myra Sims