Dana Boyd
Dana Boyd has dedicated 30 years to working at Emory & Henry College including the past 22 years in the Department of Athletics. An Emory & Henry graduate, she has also worked in the business office, residence life and student activities office and even spent time as the cheerleading coach.
She plays a vital role in the day-to-day operations of Emory & Henry Athletics. She greets everyone with a smile and a genuine willingness to be of assistance. Dana works tirelessly to ensure that bills are paid on time, budgets are followed and the correct paperwork is submitted “up the hill.”
She also coordinates transportation for each of the teams, working closely with the campus motor pool and charter bus companies to make sure our student-athletes travel to and from their competitions safely and comfortably. She also plays a large role in the upkeep of our facilities, communicating with the facilities and housekeeping staffs regarding maintenance and repairs.
Dana has been recognized multiple times for her dedication to the College. She received the Fanelli Award in 2007 for her service to women’s athletics. She was named the Dave Thomas 12th Man Award winner in 2013, given by the football team for outstanding contributions to the program.
In short, Dana Boyd is the heartbeat of Emory & Henry Athletics. Vice President for Athletics Dr. Anne Crutchfield is always quick to say, “Dana is in charge, the rest of us just work here!”
The Emory & Henry Sports Hall of Fame joins the list of those who have recognized Dana for her outstanding work by presenting her with the Certificate of Appreciation.