Sally Sprinkle Bentley
Sally Sprinkle Bentley is a native of Washington County, Virginia. The 1979 Emory & Henry Sports Hall of Fame inductee was a standout athlete on the basketball court. Bentley served as a captain in both her junior and senior years. In her final season, she led the Wasps in scoring with an average of 28.9 points per game.
In addition to basketball, Bentley also played volleyball, tennis, and field hockey. She served as president of the Women’s Athletic Association during her years at the college.
Apart from athletics, Bentley was a member of the Thalian Literary Society, Kappa Phi Alpha social sorority, Pan-Hellenic Council, Band, College Theatre, and Cardinal Key. She was selected as Most Outstanding Senior Woman at the college in 1954.
Bentley went on to a career in education and was active in regional civic life, working with Girl Scouts of America, the National Organization for Women, and the Federation of Republican Women. She has also served as regional vice president of Emory & Henry Alumni Association.